Tab. CCXXX: Phalangium minimum ramosum flore albo, Lilium fatuum vulgo feuwr gulgen, Phalangium minus flore albo. From Viridarium Reformatum, seu Regnum Vegetabile: Krauter Buch (Newly Revised Garden of the Plant Kingdom: Herb Book), Michael Bernhard Valentini (1657-1729) editor. Frankfurt, Anton Heinscheidt, 1719.The Viridarium Reformatum is an important collection of botanical illustrations by a number of artists, Johann Theodor de Bry most prominent among them. It is thought that Valentini, a physician, professor of medicine and collector of natural history specimens, had acquired de Bry's plates from his famous Florilegium renovatum et auctum of 1641, done in collaboration with son-in-law Matthäus Merian. It was Valentini's desire that this collection serve as a "botanical library".Beautiful print in pretty colors.Small scattered foxing, two slight creases in the left margin and the lower right corner...